Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Grak on Grak

Grak receive questions from Gressis and realize now that many delicious brains have questions about Grak, being unacquainted with Grak-kind.

Q: What kind of demon are you, Grak? If you don't mind my asking.

Past: Grak spit from darkest void 2 years ago. Grak have good homelife: Grak mother regularly, and with tender care, regurgitate partially digested brains for young Grak. When Grak old enough, Grak's siblings, parents, and entire village of Grak-kind nice enough to be eaten by Grakself. Grak move to big city to make fortune.

Employment: Grak work in salon now administering aroma-therapy. Tip: tea tree oil good for soothing screams of abject horror. But this just pay bills. Grak take acting lessons. Grak always dream of being on the soaps... Grak settle for sitcom work, though. Imagine: Grak replace Joey on Friends... Some day Grak be big shot in Hollywood.

Grak-Kind: Grak have three, bloodshot eyes randomly placed on "face". Grak look bit like greater leech-monkey: scaly, peeling skin, sparse (but long) hair, hunch-back, exposed viscera, long claws. Grak have long, protruding, needle-like teeth. Every 7 seconds Grak emit grating, terror-inducing screeches... sound like Janet Jackson, Grak always thought.

Q: Nice review, Grak.

Good question, Gressis, though complicated (in Grak opinion). In nutshell: Grak recommend brain sucking.

Q: What is the origin of the name, "Grak", Grak? Is it Spanish? It sounds Spanish to me.

"Grak" not Spanish. See point about dark void above. Though, Grak once sucked brains of Mexican... Does that count?

Monday, February 07, 2005

Grak on Movies: Kinsey

Grak recently saw Kinsey. On Grak's view, movie like being kicked in balls repeatedly, which is fun when Grak do to others, not fun when done to Grak. First, Grak already pretty psyched about masturbation (for example) and does not need a movie to remind Grak that masturbating OK. Grak admit that sometimes it acceptable when movie have clear message, but think this particular message about 25 years too late. Propaganda only permissible under the dire-est of circumstances... Like: if brain sucking were about to be forbidden (just suppose!), then Grak would direct pro-brain-sucking propaganda Grakself.

Secondly, Grak dislike hagiography. Even when they're tempered with perfunctory attempts at revealing the dark sides of their heroes, hardly anything cinematic more boring than a hagiography. Now a movie that make the saintliness of its central character a matter of serious doubt -- perhaps as the central drammatic tension of the film -- Grak could like. Temptation make for great movie, Grak think. It never seriously in question whether Dr. Kinsey is a saint (except perhaps in narrative asides).

The problem is not that Grak want (as Grak might want a news program to present both sides of a debate) that Kinsey be portrayed as both admirable and not. This might be problem if Grak seriously doubted the central claim of the sexual revolution -- i.e. that most sex (considered as such, and not, say, as cheating on a lover) between consenting adults is morally blameless. If Grak enemy of sexual revolution, then Grak would wish (with one of three eyes to objectivity) that movie portray oracle as flawed. But Grak on board with sexual revolution, for most part. The problem is an aesthetic one: how can Grak care to suck brains of a character that is merely a vehicle for the celebration of a moral fact? ...much worse, a vehicle for the celebration of a widely accepted moral fact?

Here is another movie Grak might have liked: Kinsey pay some narrative attention to some of the Very Strange and Fraught personal relations between researchers on Kinsey's team. But we really only get about 5 minutes of this. Grak enjoy watching strange and fraught personal relations unravel on screen, but need more of it to make movie good. Anyway, even the inter-personal conflict is message-y: sometimes sex makes people jealous.

(Now Grak surprised to discover this, since demons of Grak kind not get jealous -- only ferulous (which is different, though inexpressibly so). But Grak friends assure Grak that it is widely known in the human community that sex leads to what are politely called "complications".)

So Kinsey peddles hagiography in order to tell us: sex OK, but sometime disturbs the emotions of humans (though apparently rarely -- it hard for Grak to tell).

Grak wonder what David Edelstein thinking...

Grak Reads

Grak enjoy reading blogs. For example Grak always find Gressis Digressis amusing. Also Daily Akrasia is fun, though Grak think Daily Akratic should simply dispense with teaching students and begin slurping their brains... though Grak sometimes find undergraduates taste of naivte. Also, Grak read Palantir with admirable consistency, though Grak feel guilty about not commenting as often as Grak ought. Sometimes Grak suspect that Idris would have a delicious limbic system ...other times not so much.

Finally, Grak think that Left2Right is great fun.

Grak Slurp Brains

Grak slurp many delicious brains in life and feels Grak have things to say... For example: Ever notice how Totally Hot hydroencephalitis is? Those large heads look like they conceal feasts! Even though Grak know they not real, Grak still appreciate the look.